Install -m 644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" $srcdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/EULA.txt

License=('custom:kerio-control-vpnclient')ĭepends=(glibc zlib util-linux gcc-libs procps-ng openssl dialog) Pkgdesc="Kerio Control VPN client for corporate networks." Procedure aborted: The kvpnsvc daemon died with exit code 127 Everything went smooth and with no error, then I configured the client using: sudo /usr/sbin/kvpnc configure But when I try to run the client I get this error: /usr/sbin/kvpnc: line 201: /usr/lib/kerio-control-vpnclient/kvpncsvc: No such file or directory

Since this package is not represented in KCP, I downloaded the tar archive from AUR and changed the PKGBUILD according to This tutorials guidelines and build it. I'm have been trying to install kerio vpn client but with no success.